Sunday, July 02, 2006

Be still the hearts of all young women...

Behold Michael.
He is the hearthrob of the junior dog show world. Recently 18, our dear Mikey is playing in the big leagues now, I hear. I get all confused about what and where and age limits and all that. I s'pose it doesn't matter. What DOES matter is every girl under the age of 24 has a crush on Michael (and even some over the age of 24----what? I'm married! Stop looking at me like that--I'm a happily married woman and besides, I'm 16 years older than he is. No, it's NOT like The Graduate -- that is so 1960s...oh, this conversation is every shade of wrong.)
And it's not just the doggie girls who pant at Michael's presence. However, they find him uber-sweet because of his penchant for poochies. He's a great handler.
A DOG HANDLER, pervert. Get your head outta the gutter. Sheesh. SOME PEOPLE.


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