Monday, June 19, 2006

You have no idea how hard it is to get this kid to smile for photos...

Just for the record...this is Barnet Marine Park in Burnaby.
We're so lucky to live so damn close to gorgeous stuff like this, even if the taxes are putting us in the poorhouse and the teachers are a bunch of sniveling whiny asses.
You heard me.
If they strike this fall, we're going to private school. (I just have to find 15,000 extra dollars lying around.)
(There is something up with these post formats...I keep trying to put spaces in between paragraphs and it is ignoring me. Maybe the Blogger programmers were edjakated in B.C.)


At 10:32 PM, Blogger ramblin'andie said...

OMIGOD she is so beautiful. Does she know it yet?

And I'm so with you on the teacher thing. Why the hell do they think they should get raises when NO ONE ELSE is making enough to live off of?



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