Woohooooo! Flippy-doooooo!
Yes, Brennan is completely insane.
Yes, those are all of the cushions off the couch.
Yes, that is Gary trying to capture these fun Kodak moments on our ancient video camera that we cannot buy new battery packs for AND that won't work with two different brands of analog adapters that we tried so that we might be able to transfer everything to the computer and edit onto DVDs and preserve forever more. Sucks!
This is the new game we play. It's called:
"Take All the Pillows Off the Couch and Make a Giant Pit in the Middle of the Room and Play Flippy-Doo Until Our Pretty Blond Curls Are Sticking to Our Heads with Perspiration."
Makes my neck hurt just watching him.
Good thing kids are made a' rubba.(These little monsters sleep reeeeaaaaallll good when we get done playing Flippy-Doo, lemme tell ya. Works better than my special Gravotapp Kiddie Cocktail--if you're curious, it's equal parts Gravol and Dimetapp with a gripe water mixer and a squeeze of fresh organic lemon. Yummmmmm!)
(Ohh, put yer phone down and stop bein' so bloody gullible. Of course I'm kidding. I would never feed that mixture to my darling angels.)
(I always just substitute that fake lemon juice stuff instead of splurging on the organic ones.)
For a fun time ...
"And the dismount, he NAILS it! Folks, I think this one may just get him that 9.8 to put him in front of that smaller, chubbier, sweeter-smelling brown-haired boy tonight!"
Grandpa's been waiting for you by the lottery booth...
Enjoy forever together. We will miss you but will think of you often. Don't forget to pop in now and again and turn on random appliances, watch over your 'kids,' and hide our keys and unmatched socks, just for the hell of it.
We'll keep getting those lottery tickets for you, just in case we have a lucky day...we'll eat at Zeller's now and again and will always remember to tip handsomely...we will always tell the wee babies how much their Grandma and Grandpa Young
absolutely adored them.
We love you, Mom and Dad. So so so much. Save us a table in Eternity, would you?
Martha Elizabeth "Betty" Young ... August 31, 1927 - November 5, 2005
Kenneth Gordon Young ... August 9, 1926 - June 30, 2005(Sissies-in-law, please forgive me if I have the years of their births incorrect...I know I'm close but you know how yer mom was about giving up the ghost when it came to her birth year! She's poo-poohing me from On High, I guarantee it ...)