Thursday, November 04, 2004

Look at my 2nd Place BOUNTY! 103104

They give out COOL prizes when you win. Yaunna got the awesome rosette ribbon thingie and that adorable teddy bear. On the first day when she took 3rd, her prize was a gingerbread house making kit -- perfect for the holidays, as long as we can keep Brennan from discovering it and eating all the pieces. This was an awesome weekend -- everyone had an amazing time. And there is nothing like some time out of the house and away from the stresses of life to remind us all of what is important. Gary can hardly WAIT for the boys to be old enough to play hockey -- then we will be full-on parents with hockey practice and dog classes and shows and games and ohhhh...that's the good part about it all, ya know? *sniff sniff* Okay, now I'm getting maudlin. We will now return to our regularly scheduled cynicism. In addition to this really pretty picture of my kid and Maddie and the bounty that comes with success, I want to set up an olfactory picture for you: Imagine the smell of a building with 1600 dogs in it --VERY WELL-BEHAVED ANIMALS, mind you -- but what about that one nervous one who doesn't make it all the way out the door before letting his nervousness spring forth from his not-so-wee bum, instead sharing it with all in the east building of the Tradex Convention Centre? Or how about the poor Chesapeake Bay retriever (is that the correct nomenclature, Yaunna?) who was in the ring with Yaunna when she exhibited her own nervousness, compounded by morning sickness, in a rather GIGANTIC pile of mmm-mmm-good-Purina? wasn't that bad. They had some serious air fresheners in that place, considering the number of coiffed dogs and unbathed humans. (Apparently there were no bathing facilities for the people on the grounds of the Tradex--and no water hook-ups for RVs. Our dear friends who stayed in their trailer did an excellent job masking this fact. Maybe I should sell SHOWER TICKETS for future shows...I could shuttle people back and forth from the show grounds to my house, charge exorbitant amounts of money for a shower and semi-clean towel...). Okay, this is going nowhere. I gotta get Yaunna up for school now.


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