Saturday, March 26, 2005

It's A Winter Hobbit Luau!

It's A Winter Hobbit Luau!, originally uploaded by funnybone.

Okay, this is the final posting for this morning because I have an A**LOAD of work to get through ... THIS is Bilbo Dragon ("YES, we all KNOW it's Bilbo Baggins, Yaunna, but let him call it whatever he wants!"), ready for winter with his 'Thing One / Thing Two' toque (for you Americans, a 'toque' is a winter hat, pronounced 'toooook' -- long 'O' sound) and his Spidey slippers. BUT -- Bilbo is always up for a trip to the Tropics, so he has his lei, just in case. (That's the proper spelling, right, Mom?) She's a native Hawaiian, so she should know.

This kid has the BIGGEST imagination of any child I have ever known, which is sorta scary because that means I am going to have to press even HARDER for business school when he says to me, "But, Mom! I'm an aaarrrtist and I have to be creative or else I will DIE!"

"Yeah, you're gonna die of SCURVY if you live on only ramen and condensed milk!"


Here comes Trouble ... March 2005

Okay, so I have red eye issues. I tried to use the red eye mechanism on the dig cam, but whatever. Maybe Kendon is just demonic and he really has red eyes.

Guess who learned how to crawl???

This photo is a bit misleading because it actually APPEARS that he is doing the hands and knees crawling thing. He's still toying with that -- instead he has mastered the 'combat crawl' where he pulls with the upper half of his body and pushes with his toes and knees. He is VERY fast. And he eats EVERYTHING. So far, I have extracted from his wee mouth some carpet fiber string thingies (YUCK), a penny, shreds of paper (he usually manages to ingest at least part of the paper before I find him out), wrappers from Hershey's Kisses (Little Hershey's chocolate, BIG chocolate taste!), my shoe, Yaunna's shoe, Bren's shoe, Daddy's sock (DISGUSTING), and his ALL-TIME FAVORITE, Nat's Nyla-Bone. Ewwww.

While we have caught on to his rascally ways, he has a new fondness for the pretty blue light on the front of the computer...the one that when you push it, it turns the computer off? Rrrriiiigghhhhht. You know what comes next.

Anyone have a beer I can borrow?

He fell asleep at the wheel ... KQ March 2005

Poor baby...he was soooo tired, he couldn't make it all the way through 'Sesame Street' and he fell asleep at the wheel. I'm a bad mommy...lettin' the wee babe sleep on his arm like that...AND taking photos of him in such a state...someone call CPS....

This was friggin' adorable. Rare QUIET Kodak moment of lil Kendie...awwwwwwwww.

Yaunna and her NEW glasses...on HER face this time...

These are the new specs on the face of their rightful owner.

Very Lisa Loeb, don't you think? (

My budding rock star.......she looks so much more sophisticated in these--trying to prepare my weak heart for The Coming of Middle School.

Smile pretty, babies! 0305

Smile pretty, babies! 0305, originally uploaded by funnybone.

Kendon loves the dogs...and the feeling is totally mutual. Lila thinks that Kendon is HER baby -- she tries to sit on him and licks his head and pretty much just watches whatever he might be getting into. And Nat just thinks that cleaning Kendon's face is the cat's meow. Or whatever the equivalent of "cat's meow" is in Dog Language. 'Dog's bark'? That so doesn't have the same ring to it.

Anyway, I got the Twins to smile at the same time, so there you have it. (BTW, they're the 'Twins' because they are only 19 days apart in age, which makes them the babies in the house, AND they are definitely the two MESSIEST. Works for me.)

Yeahhhh, baby...Brennan Powers, International Man of Mystery March 2005

So, the dog -- NAT -- ate Yaunna's glasses. (This was AFTER he ate the Nintendo cord, the cord to one of the GameCube controllers, and AFTER he dug a hole in the futon cushion--OOPS--Husband doesn't know about that yet...oh, well...he does NOW!) THESE specs are the new ones. On Brennan's face. He wanted to try them on because he thinks glasses are KEEN. Whatever. Don't worry, Brennie--it's only a matter of years before you will get your VERY OWN PAIR! You'd just bloody well keep them away from the dog.

Doesn't he just look so Austin Powers? Yeah, baby, YEAH! He even does a great imitation of the International Man of Mystery...though it's probably closer to say that Bren is the International Man of Mustardy, a side effect of his affection for hot dogs.

(ASIDE: You will note in the picture below of The Sleeping Children that Bren has some glasses on his face...clearly I blogged these photos in the wrong order -- when we were downtown, Yaun asked to go into one of those girl-power shops, you know the ones with a million pair of earrings, hair junk, makeup, all that crap -- and I had the inspiration to ask the sales clerk if they had 'fake' glasses, i.e., glasses with clear plastic lenses. She wasn't sure -- she was really, REALLY busy filing one of her nails that had a small rhinestone embedded in it. SO, taking this as a hint that Customer Service Is Not Job One for her, I found the specs with the plastic non-prescrip lenses and VOILA! Brennie has glasses! At least he did, until he left them on the bench in the kitchen and the dog ate them....)

This is what happens when you venture OUT of the Burbs...

We had to go downtown to get MORE fingerprints for Immigration. Actually, the prints were for the Oregon State Police so they could send yet ANOTHER copy of my completely clean Criminal Background History to Immigration Canada (CIC). I now have fingerprints on file from California, Washington, Oregon, two sets from the RCMP, and the FBI. WOW. I wonder if my fingerprints have changed that much that they have to have SIX sets of them. (Yes, people, I know...fingerprints don't change...just like snowflakes, each one is an individual...blah blah blah). ANYWAY, that was the purpose of THIS day, venturing out of The Cave in the Burbs (TCitB) to head to downtown Vancouver for Mom's fingerprints. We managed to accomplish this gnat of a task and then hit a few stores in the Granville Bus Mall area ... there are so many fun things to DO in the city! Especially without kids in tow! It was the weekend prior to St. Patty's Day and the pubs were overflowing with drunk revelers -- folks were decked out in stupid green hats emblazoned with shamrocks and leprechauns, the non-Irish pretending to be Dubliners for the day, if only for an excuse to get schnockered -- and they were only missing ONE thing ... ME! Alas, we buckled our tuckered-out children into the minivan and returned to TCitB (see above). And the leprechauns did us the sweet favor of slumbering virtually the entire way home. Gave us enough time to make a swing-through the liquor store without waking a single sweetie........

I LOVE jam on my toast!!! 03/05

What a total beaver. Kendon LOVES showing off his new TEETH. He especially loves trying them out on his mother's mammary devices. OUCH. With the teeth has come the ability to eat all sorts of things, and a current fave includes toast with raspberry jam..."Yum, yum, yum, yum, yummmm, delicioso!" (You gotta know Dora the Explorer to appreciate that declaration of deliciousness.)

Yaunna, the Maori ... Feb 2005

Yaunna, the Maori ... Feb 2005, originally uploaded by funnybone.

For Christmas, Mommy (that's me) bought "The Whale Rider" for the fam -- we LOVE that movie. I bawled like a 2-day-old piglet when I saw it. Sooo wonderful and poignant. Makes me want to move to New Zealand and beg the Maori to let me live in their beachside village. Anyway, the kids thought the whole process of learning to become a warrior (as depicted in the movie) was pretty fun, so they immediately took to beating their chests and sticking their tongues out at one another in competitive effort to out-scare their opponent. The Girl beats her chest, sticks the tongue out, does her best to look freaky-scary; then Stink (aka Bren) follows suit. Not too much scary going on -- more like an eruption into hysterical fits of giggling on the floor. So much for that Maori dream.

The FORT LANGLEY Miniature! 022105

Here is THE PROJECT. This lovely model was constructed by the Girl and her teammates -- three of them -- and it depicts Ft. Langley (east of Vancouver for you non-locals) as it was when there were horses instead of cars, tanners instead of The Bay, butchers instead of Save-On, and furriers instead of PETA ( The kids scored a 19/20 for their efforts; per Yaunna, the missing point was attributed to spacing issues. Oh, BROTHER. Regardless, it was gorgeous. Nice job, girlies.

Doh, you are SUCH an idiot! Feb 2005

Lila and Nat -- The Troublesome Twosome -- Nat LOVES the smile purty for the camera, but Lila -- not so much. She's a bit shy of the camera...always squints with the flash. Notice what a weenie she is next to strapping young Nat. NONETHELESS, Lila is a sweeeeet doggie. (Yes, I used a positive adjective to describe a canine. Shut up. People CAN change, you know....)