Sunday, February 13, 2005

THE HAIR CUT...020805

Ahhhhh, man...I gave in. People have been asking how old "she" is -- "she" being Brennan, clearly a BOY -- so I finally gave in and we had Gramma Kim cut his hair. The locks are now secured in a sheet of Saran wrap, awaiting their final resting place in a pocket of his baby book, where he can show his girlfriends who will coo, "Oh, this is so sweeeeet!" and his children will roll their eyes and say, "Gramma Jenn is a weirdo."

My little man is now really that -- a little man. And he has a funky new dance to go with the hair -- Thailand may have Phi Phi Island, but WE have the Pee-Pee Dance.

Eat your heart out.

Yaunna and NAT at the Chihuahua Club's correction match 020605

Y Correction match 020605, originally uploaded by funnybone.

I had no idea what a correction match was. Until we arrived. No matter HOW many times you try to explain this dog stuff to me, it goes in one ear and out the other with only a feeble attempt to grasp at the grey gooey crap in my skull before floating on by.

I'm a sensory sorta gal. I see it, I smell it (for SURE a sense used on this occasion), and I can hear it -- NOW I know what a correction match is. For those non-doggie types, it is basically a "practice" dog show. How difficult can THAT be to understand? (Or rather, who difficult can THAT be to explain???)

This is Yaunna, looking adorable and professional, as usual when in her doggie finery. And that furry creature beside her is Nat. He is the latest addition to the family, a 6-month-old beagle show puppy with a taste for anything he isn't supposed to have. And I mean ANYTHING.

Yaunna and Nat did very well at this "practice" dog show. Yaun came home with more ribbons that you can shake a Nylabone at -- and she was one of about four other "juniors" (handlers under the age of 18) who were participating with the grown-ups. Even though this show wasn't for points, it was the 'Yaunna and Nat debut,' so it was great fun and a major learning experience for all. Especially me. I learned that my butt still falls asleep sitting on those cold wooden bleachers of the Agriplex, even though there is more fat in that region of my bod than ever before.

Keep doggin', Ya-Ya.

I'm Bilbo Baggins! 020305

B I'm Bilbo Baggins! 020305, originally uploaded by funnybone.

This is Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins. The Hobbit. Note the sword (okay, it isn't Sting, the sword that illuminates blue in the presence of orcs) but with one 'AA' battery, it does light up a darkened bedroom, er, cave.

The Elven cape (complete with gold "ivy" clasp) and coordinating Hobbit wear is courtesy of Gramma Kim and Auntie Ashleigh -- and Bilbo has worn it for about six straight days, with only intermittent gaps to spend time as Spiderman and The Hulk.

Aaahhh, to be 3 again.

Who....ME? I wasn't anywhere NEAR it!

K Who....ME 020205, originally uploaded by funnybone.

This is Kendon. Kendon is a baaaad seed. He snuck out of his crib, crawled into the kitchen, scaled the wall, and absconded with the keys to the car.

When we caught him, he was trying to get the correct key into the ignition. Instead, he was feeding the remote key fob thingie into the CD player.

Crisis averted.

It's Jean Pierre, our bebe en francais! 012505

This is what happens when you eat PRUNES straight up, no cereal or nuthin'. JEAN PIERRE loves da prunes...and they keep him poo-poo-pooing nicely, too!

For those non-kid types, ain't that just GRAND that you get to hear about the crap habits of my adorable chil'ens???

Really, this is good should taste it 012205

Art never tasted so fiiiiiine.