Socks Without Partners
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Beagles love SNOW? Who'da thunk? 010605
Lila LOVES snow. She has eaten enough snow that she will probably pee until Tuesday. But she ESPECIALLY loves the 42 neighborhood cats who HATE the snow and instead try to find refuge on our back and side fences. Beagles have this interesting way of baying and barking that almost makes one think they're hurt until one sees all the cats making a hasty retreat into the snowdrifts they have tried so hard to avoid. *evil hands wringing* Muahhh-ha-haaa-ha...Mutual Combat 010605
I wish you could see the stream of these photos side by would see Brennan and his superior aim nailing Yaunna AND Gary with the snowballs, Yaunna and her not-so-superior aim trying to nail Brennan, and Lila just freaking OUT and trying to bite everyone's snowballs in mid air. Fun.A quiet moment...rare...
Brennan, pondering the snow...and perhaps why, after all that work the other night, the red marker washed from his Superhero arm like sidewalk chalk on a rainy summer afternoon. Hmmmmmm....I'm sitting in this basket...and I'm not sure why 122804
Need I say more? Kendon has learned to sit up. Almost. The laundry basket is handy. Until he flops over and dumps it. But he's only done that once--right after this photo was taken. Lesson learned. (He was fine. Don't call CPS.)I'm gonna EAT THIS PRESENT!
I forgot to add this one when I was posting the Christmas stuff earlier...Kendon LOVES paper. ANY paper. He shakes when he sees us bring the newspaper in. He wriggles and makes his best effort to snag any paper in one's hand. And he eats any flyers that are waywardly left within the grasp of his high chair. So one can imagine what sort of HEAVEN he was in when we handed him a box WRAPPED IN PAPER. (The present contained clothing...but he could care less...). Thanks anyway, Gramma!Truth, Justice, and the Red Crayola Marker Way 010505
While this photo is a LITTLE fuzzy, it speaks volumes as to the dedication of this Superhero 3-year-old. He has morphed the best attributes of some beloved comic book heroes in his juvenile homage to the Hulk and Superman, and he even stayed up late the night before coloring his arm red with his new Crayola (WASHABLE) markers so he could be Spiderman. You can't even be mad at such an honorable display of devotion to one's idols. And it was REALLY funny later than afternoon when he took a nap, slept on his colored arm, and then woke up with a smeared red face.Yes, Blake -- it was a HIT!
This is from Big Brother in Washington State. PERFECT. I don't need to say anything else because this pretty much SUMS IT UP. Our girl, alas, is definitely a drama queen.Ho Ho HO...
We waited. And waited. And had McDonald's (NO, I have not seen "SuperSize Me" yet, so we still occasionally stop at Sin Central and eat gut bombs -- hey, they were giving 'Incredibles' toys away in the Happy Meals and the local toy stores were all sold out so bugger off!) ... we waited until the little number counter screen thingie went from 19 to our number, 50 (!!!) and THEN it was our turn to see the Fat Man in Red. Delightful. $28.95 plus tax later, I have some photos of my rather stressed out brood -- Yaunna was in perfect form, as always, but Bren was nervous (didn't want to screw up or Santa wouldn't bring him the train he wanted) and Kendon, well, little Kendon just wanted to eat Santa's beard. Gross. SO -- the photos I took were least they're all looking relatively close to where the camera was located.Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are YOU? HA HA HA! THIS IS AWESOME! And the movie much weirdness, so little time. FREAKS me out that I can actually RELATE to this guy. Check out this link: to take your own ND quiz.
THANKS, JANE! This is how I spent New Year's Eve -- watching this subtly hysterical flick.
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
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